We are Blount County GIS Group

The geospatial service agency for the governments of Blount County

Pavement Assessment Collector App

Open Collector for ArcGIS

Search for Pavement. When Maryville Pavement Condition Inspection appears. Select the map.

Select the road section to be inspected. Choose it from the list of sections on the left-hand side. Wait for the green button to pop-up to inspect the road segment. Take note of the intersecting roads.

A Survey123 app will open with some prepopulated information. Fill out the missing information. Area and Total Area will calculate based on the pre-populated length and the width you enter. Total Area is added for the additional areas (i.e. turning radius at intersections)

The inspection form will populate based on whether cracks are present or not. Fill in the Major or Minor Distress based on your observations. If the distress is not present, do not select any option for that distress type. Once all distress types are filled, as needed, and drainage is assessed. The Total PCI will auto-calculate. Leave any additional comments for the City Engineer.

Submit the inspection by clicking the check mark in the bottom right-hand corner.

If you have any additional questions, use the contact information below for help troubleshooting.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding geospatial data within Blount County, feel free to contact us any time.