Alcoa Fire Department Annual Fire Accreditation Project

Each year Alcoa Fire Department (AFD) requests updates to maps required for accreditation. These maps include the following:

  1. Alcoa Fire Stations - Display fire station locations and Alcoa City Limits
  2. EMS - Display all EMS coded calls for the last 5 years.
  3. EMS Heatmap - Display all EMS coded calls for the previous 5 year period.
  4. EMS 6 Minute Total Run Time - Display all incidents with TRT greater than 6 minutes.
  5. FIRE - Display all Fire coded calls for the last 5 years.
  6. HAZTECH - Display all Hazmat and Technical coded calls for the last 5 years.
  7. Five Year Incidents - A heatmap of all calls for the previous 5 year period.
  8. Hydrants - Display hydrants within the City of Alcoa, both City owned and external utilities.
  9. Recurring Locations - Display the top ten locations and frequency for locations with frequent calls.
  10. Structure Fires by Planning Zone - A chloropleth map of incidents within planning zones.
  11. *4 Minute Travel Time - Display network analysis for 4 minute travel time from stations.
  12. *8 Minute Travel Time - Display network analysis for 8minute travel time from stations.

*Only done for actual accreditation.

Special Analysis / Layer Creation

Description: The main data that is being displayed throughout the project is incident data created from Emergency Reporting Service, an online fire department management software. Data is pulled down in 5 year increments, i.e. Jan 1, 2017 - Dec. 31, 2021.

Layer Creation: The ERS table is then geoprocessed with the XY Table to Point tool. There may be some points that do not have lat long data. Use Geocode Locations From Table tool to finish missing points. Calculate Field will need to be run to create the IncidentCode field for data queries.

Alcoa Fire Stations


Fire Stations

Description: Fire stations maintained by Alcoa Fire Department.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.ReferenceData\bcgis.DBO.FireStation

Definition Query:

City Limits

Description: Alcoa's municipal boundary, without other municipal boundaries.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.AdministrativeArea\bcgis.DBO.MunicipalBoundary

Definition Query:

Analysis / Geoprocessing





Description: Created from table data pulled down from Emergency Reporting (* hopefully automated to a feature class in SDE by 2022). The table has some 'xy' data populated, the remaining data has to be geocoded against address field to create the Incident Feature Class. The IncidentCode field contains the codes for all fire response codes. Find EMS specific codes below in Definition Query.

Source: L:\GISData\Fire\AFD\Projects\AccreditationUpdate2020\AccreditationUpdate2019.gdb

Definition Query:

Fire Stations

Description: Fire stations maintained by Alcoa Fire Department.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.ReferenceData\bcgis.DBO.FireStation

Definition Query:

Fire Boundaries

Description: Alcoa's fire boundary is a division of the municipal boundary for fire management. This is not the dispatch zone which corresponds to the station location/response area.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.PublicSafetyPlanning\bcgis.DBO.FireBoundary

Definition Query:

City Limits

Description: Alcoa's municipal boundary, without other municipal boundaries.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.AdministrativeArea\bcgis.DBO.MunicipalBoundary

Definition Query:

Analysis / Geoprocessing


EMS Hotspots

Special Note: Use the EMS Map and change symbology to hotspots for EMS (Incident Layer).


* See EMS Layers

Analysis / Geoprocessing


EMS 6 Minute Total Run Time

Special Note: Use the EMS Map. Contact Lt. Steve Owens for TRT data. Data will be joined with existing Incident Layer for TRT information.


* See EMS Layers

Analysis / Geoprocessing

Join Data from TRT table to EMS Layer by Incident Number field. Sort TRT field, add all values greater than 6.




Description: Created from table data pulled down from Emergency Reporting (* hopefully automated to a feature class in SDE by 2022). The table has some 'xy' data populated, the remaining data has to be geocoded against address field to create the Incident Feature Class. The IncidentCode field contains the codes for all fire response codes. Find Fire specific codes below in Definition Query.

Source: L:\GISData\Fire\AFD\Projects\AccreditationUpdate2020\AccreditationUpdate2019.gdb

Definition Query:

Fire Stations

Description: Fire stations maintained by Alcoa Fire Department.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.ReferenceData\bcgis.DBO.FireStation

Definition Query:

Fire Boundaries

Description: Alcoa's fire boundary is a division of the municipal boundary for fire management. This is not the dispatch zone which corresponds to the station location/response area.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.PublicSafetyPlanning\bcgis.DBO.FireBoundary

Definition Query:

City Limits

Description: Alcoa's municipal boundary, without other municipal boundaries.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.AdministrativeArea\bcgis.DBO.MunicipalBoundary

Definition Query:

Analysis / Geoprocessing





Description: Created from table data pulled down from Emergency Reporting (* hopefully automated to a feature class in SDE by 2022). The table has some 'xy' data populated, the remaining data has to be geocoded against address field to create the Incident Feature Class. The IncidentCode field contains the codes for all fire response codes. Find Hazmat and Technical specific codes below in Definition Query.

Source: L:\GISData\Fire\AFD\Projects\AccreditationUpdate2020\AccreditationUpdate2019.gdb

Definition Query:

Symbology: Hazmat - Incident Codes: 424;422;421;411;412;413 || Tech Rescue - Incident Codes: 381;356;352;353

Fire Stations

Description: Fire stations maintained by Alcoa Fire Department.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.ReferenceData\bcgis.DBO.FireStation

Definition Query:

Fire Boundaries

Description: Alcoa's fire boundary is a division of the municipal boundary for fire management. This is not the dispatch zone which corresponds to the station location/response area.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.PublicSafetyPlanning\bcgis.DBO.FireBoundary

Definition Query:

City Limits

Description: Alcoa's municipal boundary, without other municipal boundaries.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.AdministrativeArea\bcgis.DBO.MunicipalBoundary

Definition Query:

Analysis / Geoprocessing




Fire Stations

Description: Fire stations maintained by Alcoa Fire Department.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.ReferenceData\bcgis.DBO.FireStation

Definition Query:

City Limits

Description: Alcoa's municipal boundary, without other municipal boundaries.

Source: P:\DatabaseConnection\bcgis-db_bcgis_db_dr.sde\bcgis.DBO.AdministrativeArea\bcgis.DBO.MunicipalBoundary

Definition Query:

Analysis / Geoprocessing